MP3: Function - CLR Podcast 160
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01 - mark ernestus - mark ernestus meets bbc - honest jon's
02 - silent servant - dub noise - sandwell district
03 - suburban knight - the warning - underground resistance
04 - planetary assault systems - wriss - ostgut ton
05 - oliver ho - light and dark 02 - light and dark
06 - vril - UV - ostgut ton
07 - planetary assault systems - black tea - ostgut ton
08 - function - disaffected (norman nodge mix) - sandwell district
09 - robert hood - alpha alive - m-plant
10 - oscar mulero - 46 (regis antaganists mix) - warm up
11 - cabaret voltaire - silent command (edit) - white label
12 - regis - blood witness - blackest ever black
13 - sandwell district - immolare (first) - sandwell district
14 - planetary assault systems - beauty in the fear - ostgut ton
15 - function - obsessed (scb edit) - echocord colour
16 - virgo four - go wild rythm tracks - trax
17 - marcel fengler - thwack (norman nodge remix) - mote evolver
18 - terence fixmer - concept c - electric deluxe
19 - zadig - dark nebula - syncrophone
20 - plastikman - those are voices (jochem paap remix) - plus 8
21 - function - obsessed (dj pete mix) - echocord colour
22 - rrose - waterfall - sandwell district
23 - mono junk - channel b - styrax leaves
24 - ron trent - making love - djax
25 - shifted - control -mote evolver
26 - skudge - overture (substance remix) - skudge
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