MP3: CLR Podcast 041 with Christian Smith
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1. Marascia & Dusty Kid – Wiwy (Edit 2) – Southern Fried
2. Reset Robot – NW1 – Unknown
3. Green Velvet – Destination Unkown (Wehbba’s Bootleg) – Unreleased
4. Christian Smith & Reset Robot – Air Miles (2000 and One & DJ Madskillz Remix) – 100% Pure
5. Psycatron – Directions (Matt Nordstrom & Orlando Vilegas Remix) – Tronic
6. Spektre & Matt Cooper - Cuernos Cubanos - Respekt
7. Pan-Pot – Confronted (Slam Remix) – Mobilee
8. Mescal Kid – Do You Want It – Sci-Tec
9. Christian Smith – Break It Down – Tronic
10. Volta & Salvatore Freda – Tiramisu (DJ Madskillz Remix) –
11. Wehbba – Brother – Tronic
12. Egbert – Vreugdevuur - Cocoon
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Štatistika sťahovania tejto MP3 (92x)
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- Ukážka:
- DJ:
Christian Smith
- Štýl:
- Techno
- Veľkosť:
- 139 MB
- Stav odkazu:
- OK (funkčný) (15.11.2010 10:30:20)
- Stiahnutí:
- 92x
- Hodnotenie:
Christian Smith

- DJ pseudo:
- Christian Smith
- Vek:
- neznámy
- Hudobné štýly:
- techno
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